
a decade of Berghain parties, in data

Berghain is (in)famous for many things. The strict no photography and door policies (which you can take on, VR-style, via berghaintrainer), for starters. It also puts on cool parties, sometimes…

What’s also cool is, Berghain’s site still hosts their programming history on the site. This goes all the way back to 2009 (check Hudson Mohawke vs. Rustie on the WARP 20 night - I miss Rustie 😭). Some really neat projects have taken advantage of this public archive, like Artiom Dashinsky’s Numbers of Berghain piece (which, in turn, makes use of Olle Holmberg’s googlesheet collating 2009-2017 events).

I managed to pull listings from December 2009 through to July 2019 (at time of writing), now hosted in this aptly-named GitHub repo. Here’s the kind of stories you can quickly get into with it.

Shout me if you do anything cool w the data ✊